Online Mutual Fund Calculator

Investing in a systematic manner with mid cap mutual fund is a good approach to maximize wealth.

Monthly SIP Investment (₹)

Investment Period (Year(s))

Annual Return Rate (%)

Total Investment
Wealth Gained

Total Investment


Wealth Gained


Corpus Value


Each and every investor out there wants to earn high rate of returns on his investment and for earning such high returns one has to bear some sort of risk.

What Are Mid Cap Funds?

Mid cap funds are those funds which have to invest a minimum 65% of the total assets in equity and equity related instruments of mid cap companies. While the rest 35% of the assets can be invested in either large or small cap companies. Securities exchange board of India (SEBI) has recently recategorised mutual fund schemes. Under the new categorization rules, mid cap schemes are allowed to invest atleast 65% of its assets in only those companies which fall in between 101th-250th in terms of market capitalization.

Benefits of Investing In Midcap Funds

Are Midcap Funds Risky Than Large Cap Funds?

Yes, since these funds invest 65% of their assets in mid cap companies, they are more prone to volatility and hence are more risky than large cap funds as they invest at least 80% of their total assets into large companies which are quite stable.

Should I Go For Mid Cap Funds?

Yes, why not if your time horizon is minimum 5 years. These categories are capable of generating astonishing returns over long term and hence an investor should not deprive himself from earning huge returns. An individual in the age bracket of say 30-35 years can have an exposure of around 50%-60% in mid-cap funds. This will help an individual in building the requisite amount of corpus over a period and hence makes all financial goals achievable.

What Kind Of Returns Can These Funds Generate?

Since these funds invest most of their assets in stocks of mid cap companies, hence these funds are able to generate higher returns in the range of around 15%-18% over a period of time.

Further Reading

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Investment in mutual funds or any asset class comes with an inherent risk. This is just a web-based tool for getting a rough estimate about the future value of your SIP/lump sum investments. The calculations are based on projected annual returns and periods. The actual annual returns may be higher or lower than the estimated value and it may have a significant impact on the final returns/goals.
So, you are requested to kindly do your own analysis or hire an expert financial advisor/planner before making any investment decision.

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